Together we have been through a lot over the past 10 years. So much good, a bit of not so good and a touch of unbearably painful. What I can say without a doubt is that the lows were livable because of Lee, all of the highs were higher because of Lee and my life is infinitely better because of him!
We celebrated by going out for breakfast (there is something amazing about having breakfast cooked for you). Then we met my sister at the park and took the dogs for a walk. She brought her camera and we were able to document what 10 years looks like.
Apparently 10 years looks like someone is afraid of snakes in the tall grass!
It's a bit weird to think I have now spent more than a third of my life with Lee. WOW!
Here's to the next decade together . . . I have a feeling it's going to be the best one yet :)