"I liked it and so I put a frame around it" "Yes I liked it and so I put a frame around it" Oh Oh Oh, Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh . . . Woah Oh Oh.
I LOVE chalkboard paint, I would paint the entire house in chalkboard paint and then draw all over the walls, luckily Lee is normal (unlike myself) and tames down my chalkboard paint excursions.
Here's how it went down:
Ashli: "I'm going to paint the kitchen wall in Chalkboard paint!" "I'm a genuis"
Lee: "What?? The whole wall?"
Ashli: "Why don't you trust me, and my mad decorating skills" wa wa wa . . . and some other general pouting occurred.
I came up with an everybody wins solution . . . Chalkboard Paper!!! I found a big 'ol piece of it at Homesense, on clearance for $15. We stuck it to the wall, and it looked good . . . not great.
I remembered Janell from Isabella and Max rooms made a gorgeous frame for her kitchen chalkboard so right there in Home Depot's moulding isle we pulled it up on the phone and devised a copy cat version of Janell's right on the spot! (thank goodness for crafty bloggers like Janell, and iPhones).
Like I said First we stuck the paper to the wall.
Then Lee added the trim:
We painted it the same color as our Trim (Martha Stewart's Heavy Cream). And to top it off (literally!) I added a clock I found at Homesense, for $15.
I was thinking it would be great to write holiday messages on . . . or take photos in front of with funny chalk drawings around us!! Or just write down a quick message or dirty limerick, you know, what ever comes to mind!
Disclaimer: This image is totally photoshoped on, I couldn't draw this,
let alone in chalk, to save my life!
I still need to find a Hook for my Apron! And a chalk holder of some sort!! And some Chalk pens, I heard those things are awesome!
Budget Breakdown:
Molding: $20 and change
Chalkboard Paper: $ 15
Wall Clock: $15
Total Cost: $50