"The art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on"
-Henry Ellis
As we say goodbye to our Beloved Manor it's not without heavy hearts. While I am soooo excited to get into our new house (manor #2) it's hard to leave our little townhouse. We've poured so much of ourselves into this place and it's harder then I thought to let it go. Thankfully, we have tons of pictures to remember it by (Thank you Maillardvillemanor.com!).
With that said, we are so happy and grateful and just plain excited to move into the new Manor. Today is THE day! We get the keys this afternoon and officially start our new chapter. :) (super smiley face)
On a super duper happy note we scored the:
Deal of the week century, we bought my dream stove! I have always dreamed of a professional gas range (but have always re-fused to buy a stove worth more then my car, seriously) but thanks to a ton of leg work, great timing, a super picky original buyer, and some wheeling and dealing, we were able to secure it for $1400 CRAZY we've been calling it the cherry on top of our sundae.
So, fingers crossed the move goes well, and not too much gets broken. But, my grandma always said, "three moves is as good as a fire" so here's hoping we loose less then 1/3 of a house fire :)
Thanks for sticking with us! Can't wait to share!
Lots of Love:
Ashli, Lee and Max!